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Simple Deep Cleaning Tips for an Allergen-Free Home

December 17, 2019

According to the EPA, indoor air quality can be five times more polluted than outdoor air. Add some messy surroundings and sticky countertops, and you’ll want to avoid your house as much as possible.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can try in order to improve the air quality in your home. We’ve taken a look at our Deep Cleaning Services Playbook, and come up with 4 simple cleaning ideas that should do the trick. With a little bit of planning, you can keep your home free of dust and bacteria that cause allergies.

Here are 4 simple cleaning tips to help you maintain a clean home all year long:

1. Remove dust from hard to reach places.

Ceiling fans, tops of doors, artwork, top of furniture, books, light fixtures, etc. – dust settles on all these places. Horizontal surfaces are not the only ones that need a good dusting. If you look up or down, you’re going to find many places where dust gathers because it’s usually overlooked during regular cleaning sessions. Vacuum under the furniture or behind the fridge too. Less dust, less allergies.

2. Window cleaning.

Many of our customers request window cleaning once or twice a year, but we think people are underestimating the importance of clean windows. A clean window lets more light shine through which, in turn, creates a more pleasant atmosphere in the house. But if that’s not enough, think of all the dust and cobwebs that have accumulated on your windowsills and panes over months of neglect. Every time you open the window those particles invade your home.

3. Wash and disinfect garbage cans and toilet brush holders.

Bacteria is to blame for a lot of the bad smells that fill your kitchen and bathroom. It’s also to blame for some allergies and diseases. That’s why garbage cans, wastebaskets, laundry baskets and toilet brush holders need a deep cleaning once in a while. They may not always smell bad, but that doesn’t mean they’re not breeding grounds for all sorts of microorganisms. It’s better to keep everything fresh and clean.

4. Control what enters your house.

Preventing dirt from entering your home is as important as cleaning it if it does. We suggest getting an outdoor doormat for cleaning footwear, and maybe even invest in a boot rack for wet shoes. A boot scraper is also quite useful, depending on where you live. By having a place to leave your wet or dirty shoes at the door, you will avoid putting dirt stains on your carpet and floors.


A clean home is a comfortable home. That’s why all Impeccable Touch maids will pay attention to details, not just roughly clean the visible surfaces and call it a day. Thorough cleaning of every living area is important all year round. We recommend booking our deep cleaning services at least twice a year for best results.

Call us if you need help keeping your home clean. Our local cleaning services in Fort Lauderdale offer both commercial cleaning and residential cleaning options, with impeccable results. An Impeccable Touch maid will be right over to take care of housekeeping.

Service Areas

Fort Lauderdale
Pompano Beach
Pembroke Pines
Lauderdale By The Sea
Victoria Park

Business Hours

M-F: 8:30AM - 5:30PM
Sa-Su: Closed

Contact Us

(954) 228-3054[email protected]
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